From an abstract point of view there’s no difference between one car or another. Despite their unique characteristics, in the end they’re both just a car. The same can be said about cities, cultures and countries. Take for instance life in Paris and life in New York City: it’s the same, but different.
Now this is not a website about food, recipes and cooking, yet this film is just too beautiful to let pass by. It’s a part of a series of short films, aimed at inspiring people to source food sustainably from nature. In this case nettles play the leading role. The filmmakers say: “Nettles are often viewed as just a prickly weed, but in fact they are a great source of protein, and hold high amounts of vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium and zinc. They help to detoxify the body and keep your hair and skin healthy. To make a nutritious nettle soup – Pick, Cook, Pour, Blend, Enjoy!” Bon appétit!
Having an eye for detail lets you discover the beauty in even the simplest everyday things. Watch this film and you’ll see what I mean: every shot is a story on its own. In daily life we’re constantly surrounded by these stories. But being so caught up in our own story, we hardly notice them. Until we take the time to simply observe. Then the beauty reveals itself. I hope this film inspires you to observe more. A sunbeam, a bird, a book an a shelf, an old man in the street, a sleeping cat, an insect, a clock ticking, rain falling from the sky. Whatever it is: in all it’s normality, it’s actually unique.
Where many of us are in the midst of the rat race chasing happiness, this film captures life at a beautiful slow pace. Do yourself a favor and ease down while watching life in all subtlety.
With over 8 million people, the great city of Bangalore, India is indeed a great city. However, as portrayed in this film – through the use of a film technique called ‘Tilt-Shift’ – it looks more like a tiny toy city. The filmmakers call it: “A tribute to our city and its people. This is the story of our ‘little Bangalore’.” Observe the people, the traffic, the details and be amazed. It’s a big city made small.
This is an inspirational reminder to recognize and appreciate the adventures in every day life. This is what the filmmakers say about it: “Every day in every city around the world, people are pursuing their own adventures, big or small. We traveled to Los Angeles to talk to locals and find out how their everyday adventures are able to transform an afternoon, a week or a life. The film documents how the spirit of LA can influence a moment of kindness, courage, madness or collectiveness, and ultimately, why they mean so much to those who walk it’s streets”. Now I live in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, but I certainly can relate to the adventures the people talk about. I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to recognize and appreciate (your) everyday adventures. Wherever you live.