Soap will clean your skin and make you feel refreshed. For a moment at least. But it doesn’t cleanse your soul. I came across this Yiddish proverb and I immediately understood it’s meaning. Our body needs soap to feel clean, our soul needs laughter. A good laugh creates a deep sense of release and refreshment. When I was in Bali, I met with a local healer. He gave me a wonderful exercise that I know will pass on to you. Next time when you shower or take a hot bath and afterwards you stand in front of the mirror, take a good look at yourself. Then… smile. Just start smiling at yourself and keep looking at yourself. Make it a generous, genuine smile and notice how this somehow makes you really smile. Then, stick your tongue out of your mouth. Yeah, that’s funny and keep smiling. And then, you place that smile on the tip of your tongue, you look at it and you slowly swallow it. Now try to track your smile as it sinks in your body, down to the area known as your solar plexus (in the middle of your upper body, at the height of your heart). Now feel your smile manifest itself in your body. And notice there is no fear, sorrow or anger. Now take a deep breath and start your day!