Russian novelist and poet Vladimir Nabokov once said: “Life is a great sunrise. I do not see why death should not be an even greater one”. Now to me, that is one hell of a mind shifting way to look at life and death. To see life and all it’s hassles in between as a great sunrise and to perceive death -the ultimate ending- as a potentially even greater sunrise, makes me fall in love with concept of sunrise. Now at this point you should know that I call myself a ‘night person’. So obviously, having this feeling made me think. And ultimately I came to the conclusion that calling myself a ‘night person’ is just my excuse for not having to like every morning. Because every morning brings a day with opportunities, but also hassle. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. But the thing Nabokov made me see in such poetic splendor, is the continuum in which our lives evolve. Opportunity leads to hassle and hassle creates opportunity. Just as life leads to death and death creates life. Nothing ends, everything begins. It’s all one big sunrise. And with sunrise, you rise. So nice. So nice.