“If life is a journey, then philosophy is like a compass. It helps us to find our way through the jungle of possibilities that life presents”. This is the first sentence you’ll read in the ‘about’ section of a website I found, called: The Big View. Editor/webmaster Thomas Knierim writes: “This website is about philosophy in the widest sense. It includes science, religion, mythology and other fields of thought that are not within the traditional scope of philosophy. However, it makes not much sense to treat these fields separately. Everything is connected. If one views anything from any possible angle, it can only increase understanding. (…) Most people are familiar with the problem of information overload. thebigview.com (…) is intended for the reader who wants to get an overview of a philosophical topic in a minimum amount of time”. Well, I’m not saying you should spend your entire weekend reading all the content, but it sure is interesting. And if we want to broaden our horizon and increase our (self)knowledge, then obviously a little time investment must be made. So take a look, pick a topic that speaks to you and see what it brings you. I’m sure that, like me, you will gain some new insights.