“Tiny Worlds” is a micro-short with a humorous take on reality. It shows a tiny world, within our world. Something that is happening at the level of our feet and that is so small we don’t even notice it. But as tiny as it may be, it’s a universe of it’s own. I think everything is a universe of it’s own, simply because if you zoom in on something – anything – you’ll find that it never really ends. You can always zoom in further. There’s always a next dimension, a new layer that stems from the previous one. Try looking at your problems that way. Zooming in (or out) always creates space and new options.
Tag Archive: Njoy

So. There you are. You’ve done it! First of all: you were born! You’ve graduated! You’ve got the job! You found your love! You’ve got the car and the house! And now you’re married, you’ve got children! You’ve got the shoes, the watch and the friends to show it to! Hell, maybe you’ve got it all! Well, no. You can’t have it all, I mean: where would you put it? My point is: whatever you have, the moment you first got it created an amazing feeling. But with time the intensity of every feeling, even the good ones, will gradually fade. Daily life takes your attention away from what was once pride, gratefulness and happiness. So there you are again. Same situation, only now the question is: now what? You have what you wanted, but that’s not enough is it? No. Because it isn’t about having what you want, it’s about wanting what you have. Or else you’ll always be chasing for happiness the rest of your life, without ever really being happy.
How a dull day at the office can turn into a creative outburst. We should all try this, say once a year. Transform the office into a playground. And just for the record, I have no ties with this Sticky Note brand, but I enjoyed watching the video and appreciate it’s message. There, that’s said. Now enjoy!

Soap will clean your skin and make you feel refreshed. For a moment at least. But it doesn’t cleanse your soul. I came across this Yiddish proverb and I immediately understood it’s meaning. Our body needs soap to feel clean, our soul needs laughter. A good laugh creates a deep sense of release and refreshment. When I was in Bali, I met with a local healer. He gave me a wonderful exercise that I know will pass on to you. Next time when you shower or take a hot bath and afterwards you stand in front of the mirror, take a good look at yourself. Then… smile. Just start smiling at yourself and keep looking at yourself. Make it a generous, genuine smile and notice how this somehow makes you really smile. Then, stick your tongue out of your mouth. Yeah, that’s funny and keep smiling. And then, you place that smile on the tip of your tongue, you look at it and you slowly swallow it. Now try to track your smile as it sinks in your body, down to the area known as your solar plexus (in the middle of your upper body, at the height of your heart). Now feel your smile manifest itself in your body. And notice there is no fear, sorrow or anger. Now take a deep breath and start your day!

This is my 100th post! To celebrate, here’s a colorful picture, reflecting waves of love. An energy, so subtle and clear. And if you can tap in on it, it will prove to be an unbreakable and everlasting force, always there to carry you. So here’s to the waves of love, may you find them in your life, so you can ride them, smiling.
Finding love is like a journey. A journey of two people, traveling to a certain place in time where they first lay eyes on each other. But to get to that place, can be a bumpy ride. In daily life, the things we do, the places we go, the moves we make: they appear to be so very different from what everybody else does. Especially when you’re single, it’s easy to see yourself as a ‘stand alone’, since all the people around you sooner or later move in a different direction. This film tells the story of a boy in Paris and a girl in New York. For sure, they are worlds apart, yet also completely synchronized when it comes to the things they things they do, the places they go and the moves they make. They may be alone, but in being alone, they are most certainly not the only one. And that in itself creates a connection between them. Will they find each other? Watch and find out. A little note on the creative aspect of this film: it was entirely shot using a Nokia N8 mobile phone. Wonderfully done. Enjoy.
This film is for you to relax. You’ll enter a pure, positive and peaceful atmosphere that can only come from love. It made me reflect on the rat race that is so typical for Western society. The constant hurry we seem to be in. The short attention span that we have, running from one thing to another. And about the pressure of making a career and money. Watching this film made me forget about all that completely. At least for 3 minutes and 56 seconds. So enjoy, unwind, feel free and… be surprised.