How do you choose to live your life? My dear friends, by now you know I love road trips. And the film you are about to see, is the road trip of all road trips. Besides truly stunning images, there is a voice-over that is not just talking to you. It is speaking to your heart. And it’s not just somebody speaking, it is the future! It’s real life, expressed in pure poetry. I say this often: give yourself the time. Do yourself a favor and watch this film from A to Z for it will make you feel good. The film was written, filmed and produced by Dan Riordan and his girlfriend Nina while traveling through Chile & Patagonia. They spent 5 weeks exploring this amazing country and this is how they chose to document it. What a life, what a life, what a life. And you too have an amazing life. When you document it, you will see.
Fear less, hope more: look at the bright side. Eat less, chew more: take your time to really enjoy what you eat. Whine less, breathe more: live in the moment. Talk less, say more: express yourself wisely. Love more, and all good things will be yours: love can transform anything into something good.
Whether you want to be financially independent, lose weight, feel at peace with yourself or simply have a fresh cup of coffee; once you want something, it’s sometimes hard seeing that you don’t have it, yet. In life we set all kinds of goals, the perfect life is out there and we want it, rather sooner than later. And if possible: right now! I mean, life’s short, right? Yes, but… everything takes time. Great things, like making a million dollars and small things, like making it through another day at the office. It even takes time for the clock to tick. The question is: what’s your perception of time? Do you take your time to get to where you want to be or do you pressure yourself, thinking you should turn your dream into reality in an instant? Life may go fast, but that doesn’t mean you should go fast too. It can take up to 330 days before a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, you never see them being frustrated about time passing slowly. So relax: enjoy every minute of our journey, for the only time is now.
You know that situation where you expect an important email from someone but you don’t get it? At first you think the other person is busy, but soon you find yourself making up conspiracy theories. That usually doesn’t help so the next time this happens, keep the following in mind. I found it on Wikipedia and it’s called: ‘Occam’s razor‘, a principle from philosophy and named after William of Ockham, a Franciscan friar who studied logic in the 14th century (yeah, quite a long time ago). The principle says that if the only difference between two explanations is how complex they are, choose the simpler one, for the one that involves the fewest guesses, is probably the right one. Another way of saying it: the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is. Example: Two trees have fallen down during a windy night. Consider these two possible explanations: A) The wind has blown them down. B) Two meteorites have each taken one tree down, and after that collided and removed any trace of themselves. Even though both explanations are possible, the second explanation needs several assumptions to all be true and is probably the wrong answer. Occam’s razor also often comes up in medicine when there are many explanations for symptoms and the simplest diagnosis usually is the correct one. If a child has a runny nose, they probably have the common cold instead of a rare birth defect. Medical students are often told, “When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras”. That’s if you don’t live in Africa of course.
Feel free? Choose your own way? Right, you might think, so easy for you to say, as you walk into the office on monday morning facing deadlines and seeing your boss, bossing around already. Sure, reality can be harsh. Making it seemingly impossible to feel free and choose our own way. Our surroundings can be so dominant, we sometimes think we ARE these surroundings, while instead, we are only IN these surroundings. That means we can get out of them as well. It’s not your boss making you feel not free. It’s not your deadlines making it hard to choose your own way. It’s your perception and how you deal with this, that makes you feel free or not. Reality begins in your mind. If you want to be free in reality, start feeling free within yourself. That means taking responsibility for yourself first. Don’t blame your boss, for that will make you a prisoner of him/her. Don’t blame the deadlines because that drives you away from yourself. And you – is where your freedom begins. To feel free, free yourself. Let nothing stop you and let this picture by Erik Johansson – inspire you.