This film is worth 16 minutes of your time. Because it’s beautiful, it will make you feel good and inspired and it might just change the way you view your life and career. The filmmakers describe the story as follows: “Disillusioned with his life, Dr. John Kitchin abandons his career as a neurologist and moves to Pacific Beach. There, he undergoes a radical transformation into “SLOMO”, trading his lab coat for a pair of rollerblades and his IRA for a taste of divinity. To me Mr. Kitchin or “SLOMO”, is a hero. A true inspiration. Because he’s a guide, showing us that underneath what we call “reality”, divinity is waiting for to be discovered. And he has the courage to do so in his own unique way, regardless of what others think of him, asking nothing in return. Now you may not need to abandon your career, maybe you can incorporate it in your career – but either way, I hope you feel inspired to find your own taste of divinity.
Tag Archive: free
You probably know the expression: “Go with the flow”. But did you ever wonder what the flow looks like? I mean, it sounds all smooth and silky, but in many cases life doesn’t present itself exactly like that, right? So what is it? And how do we tap in on it? I recently came across this film that made me realize what what “flow” is. It comes in all kinds of forms and forces. And it’s not outside of us, it’s within us. It’s not the circumstance that creates the “flow”, it’s how we deal with that circumstance. When we deal with a force as if it were a “flow”, it will become a flow. No matter how strong it is. This footage clearly shows us that. So remember, instead of saying “go with the flow”, say “be the flow”.
This film is about a lonely desk toy, who longs for escape from the dark confines of the office. So, one night he decides to take a cross country road trip to the Pacific Coast in the only way he can – using a toy car and Google Maps Street View. I think we can all relate to this in the sense that every now and then we all have the desire to break free from something. And every now and then we all long for something that is beyond our reach. So, lets be inspired by the power of creativity that ultimately gets this toy to where he wants to be. Or in the words of Albert Einstein: “Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”. You can read more about that in this post.

The following story is classic, probably told in many cultures. I found it thanks to a friend of mine, on Paulo Coelho’s Blog. Here it goes: There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small village. As he sat, he saw a fisherman rowing a small boat towards the shore having caught quite few big fish. The businessman was impressed and asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?” The fisherman replied, “Oh, just a short while.” “Then why don’t you stay longer at sea and catch even more?” The businessman was astonished.“This is enough to feed my whole family,” the fisherman said. The businessman then asked, “So, what do you do for the rest of the day?” The fisherman replied, “Well, I usually wake up early in the morning, go out to sea and catch a few fish, then go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap with my wife, and evening comes, I join my buddies for a drink – we play guitar, sing and dance throughout the night.”

Whether you want to be financially independent, lose weight, feel at peace with yourself or simply have a fresh cup of coffee; once you want something, it’s sometimes hard seeing that you don’t have it, yet. In life we set all kinds of goals, the perfect life is out there and we want it, rather sooner than later. And if possible: right now! I mean, life’s short, right? Yes, but… everything takes time. Great things, like making a million dollars and small things, like making it through another day at the office. It even takes time for the clock to tick. The question is: what’s your perception of time? Do you take your time to get to where you want to be or do you pressure yourself, thinking you should turn your dream into reality in an instant? Life may go fast, but that doesn’t mean you should go fast too. It can take up to 330 days before a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, you never see them being frustrated about time passing slowly. So relax: enjoy every minute of our journey, for the only time is now.
This film is for you to relax. You’ll enter a pure, positive and peaceful atmosphere that can only come from love. It made me reflect on the rat race that is so typical for Western society. The constant hurry we seem to be in. The short attention span that we have, running from one thing to another. And about the pressure of making a career and money. Watching this film made me forget about all that completely. At least for 3 minutes and 56 seconds. So enjoy, unwind, feel free and… be surprised.
Yes, I love road trips. Because of the freedom, when mind meets matter without pressure. No history, no future, just now. This short film makes you feel like you’re a part of a road trip. In Vermont, USA. With it’s 12 minutes you can argue it’s too long for an online video. But it’s not for a road trip! So, relax. Give yourself the joy of feeling free. This means you don’t worry and there is no hurry. Just enjoy. If you like, check out the tag cloud on the home page for more road trips.