It’s amazing what a little space can do. For instance, going from ‘nowhere’ to ‘now here’ is just a matter of pressing the spacebar 1 time, yet a whole new reality arises as you go from ‘nowhere’ to ‘now here’. Let’s zoom in on that. ‘Nowhere’ is defined as: Not anywhere. To no place or result. As in: “This road leads to nowhere”, what sounds kind of negative? ‘Now here’ on the other hand can be defined as: At this moment, in this place. It’s not judging in any way, it simply states that at this moment, you are in this place. That’s much more positive since being in a place means you are somewhere, instead of nowhere. Also, nowhere seems externally orientated: you’re looking around finding yourself nowhere. Whereas ‘now here’ is more internally orientated: you turn to yourself as the starting point of everything with all options open. So in life, whenever you find yourself in a situation you’d rather not be in, see if you can find a spacebar. Press it and a new reality is created.