Surely our first idea of waves, is what we see in the ocean. But in fact waves come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. And they are all around us. It can be a swelling of thought, feeling or energy. Like waves of enthusiasm, inspiration and passion. It can be the sound of a bird whistling. It can be the sight of a beautiful person, passing you by. It can be the smell of a heavenly flower, the taste of fresh coffee or the feeling of air touching your skin. To go short, I think every wave is a force of energy and every wave has the ability to carry you onward in life. So, find your wave and let it carry you. It can be the tiniest of things, unnoticed by anyone, but you. And if you can find it, it will find you. It will present you a happy thought, a moment of joy or a thrill of passion that sets your soul on fire.