Did you know there are 20 to a 100 million sperm cells per milliliter semen? That there is 2 to 6 milliliter sperm per ejaculation and so every ejaculation contains up to 500 million sperm cells? Now take a moment to think about this: these millions of sperm cells all have one goal; being unique. They all want to be the first to enter the female egg cell. And that my friends, is a rat race! And the fact that you are here, reading this text means you’re that special one! You beat millions of competitors who were all after the same thing. You succeeded, you’ve won! And so to me, that means that upon birth, you may rightfully call yourself a natural born winner. The funny (and dramatic) thing is that when we are born, we start all over. We enter a new rat race called life, competing others to once more prove our right to exist. And unless we are confirmed, we risk feeling kind of depressed. Maybe you know this feeling too. So when this happens, step back for a moment and be aware that your presence on earth already is an achievement beyond belief and for you to enjoy. Why enter the rat race twice?