To show who we are and to say what we feel isn’t always easy, because we often fear the consequences. For example, we think that other people might think less of us when we show our true self. So instead, we often prefer to remain in the dark, hiding ourselves from the confrontation we think awaits us. So there we are, locked up in our self created room. Safe for the moment, but stuck in the end. What can we do? Well, the first question we need to ask is: what do I want? Do I want get out of this room, feel free and show myself? Or do I want to remain invisible? Everyone ultimately comes to a point where he or she wants to open that door and step out. And of course sometimes, this takes a great deal of courage. A beautiful insight that might fuel that courage comes from American writer, poet en cartoonist Dr. Seuss. He said: “Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind, don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”. As this helps me, I hope this helps you too, to dare open the door and free yourself by being yourself.