You may know how to fly an airplane from reading a book. But it is until the moment you actually get into a plane and fly, that you’ll find out whether you really can. You may know everything there is to know about wine. But it is until the moment that you taste it, that you’ll find out whether you even like it or not. You may be an expert on Johannes Sebastian Bach, but without having heard his music, what do you really know about him? This scene from the movie classic ‘Good Will Hunting’ is about the difference between knowledge and experience. Having knowledge without experience, makes you smart maybe, but not wise. The character Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is about to find that out. He is smart, very smart. In fact, with his extremely high IQ he outsmarts everybody. Even his therapist (Robin Williams). Almost, because in this scene Williams explains quite impressively the difference between knowledge and experience. It’s a call to us all, to dare to experience. To dare and live.