Now this is not a website about food, recipes and cooking, yet this film is just too beautiful to let pass by. It’s a part of a series of short films, aimed at inspiring people to source food sustainably from nature. In this case nettles play the leading role. The filmmakers say: “Nettles are often viewed as just a prickly weed, but in fact they are a great source of protein, and hold high amounts of vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium and zinc. They help to detoxify the body and keep your hair and skin healthy. To make a nutritious nettle soup – Pick, Cook, Pour, Blend, Enjoy!” Bon appétit!

American actor and comedian Milton Berle said: “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”. This quote made me smile five seconds, and then think five minutes. If you want to make something happen, instead of waiting and hoping for it to happen, create the right circumstances so it actually can happen. Like a flower needs fertile soil, so does opportunity need a door to knock on. So don’t hide. Go out there. Be creative. Find the right people. Build that door. And opportunity will knock.
Having an eye for detail lets you discover the beauty in even the simplest everyday things. Watch this film and you’ll see what I mean: every shot is a story on its own. In daily life we’re constantly surrounded by these stories. But being so caught up in our own story, we hardly notice them. Until we take the time to simply observe. Then the beauty reveals itself. I hope this film inspires you to observe more. A sunbeam, a bird, a book an a shelf, an old man in the street, a sleeping cat, an insect, a clock ticking, rain falling from the sky. Whatever it is: in all it’s normality, it’s actually unique.
Where many of us are in the midst of the rat race chasing happiness, this film captures life at a beautiful slow pace. Do yourself a favor and ease down while watching life in all subtlety.

To live the life you desire, you must conquer the fears that keep you from living that life. Taking a small step every day, conquering some fear, is what Ralph Waldo Emerson calls: “The secret of life”. Now I think there are more secrets to life than just this. But it’s certainly the secret to living a grand life. Grand, according to your own standards that is. So what is a grand life to you and what fears do you need to conquer to live it? And practically: what fear, big or small, could you conquer today? (Reading this earlier post, might just get you in the mood and start today with really facing your fear).
With over 8 million people, the great city of Bangalore, India is indeed a great city. However, as portrayed in this film – through the use of a film technique called ‘Tilt-Shift’ – it looks more like a tiny toy city. The filmmakers call it: “A tribute to our city and its people. This is the story of our ‘little Bangalore’.” Observe the people, the traffic, the details and be amazed. It’s a big city made small.

Here are three quotes on silence: “The temple of our purest thoughts is silence.” “Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation” – Rumi. And: “Silence is an empty space, space is the home of the awakened mind” – Buddha. To live in silence, if only for a brief moment, you need to attain a calm and quite mind. Find yourself a place to sit. Close your eyes. And let the sounds you hear and the thoughts you have all fade into silence. It may not be easy – but even a second of silence, is a second of deep connection. With yourself, the universe and everything in it. Like Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) once said: “Silence is the true friend that never betrays.”