The door to 2012 is closing, the door to 2013 is opening. I would like to thank my 2466 followers for their interest in focusNjoy. I wish you all a happy, healthy and inspirational 2013. Love, Stijn.
The door to 2013 is almost open, ready for us to enter. The beginning of a new chapter, with words yet to be written. Based on what promises, to yourself or others, do you intend to write your chapter? Besides loving this tune and video, the song made me think about that question.

To me, the 21.12.2012 ‘End of the World’ idea is above all a symbol. The world on this particular day offers challenges and opportunities, just like any other day. But what is special today, is that a large number of stars are aligned. This marks the start of a new time and thus the end of an old time. But how this resonates varies from person to person. And so does the effect it may have. A factual ‘End of the World’ will not happen, of that I’m sure. At least not today. And besides: people are born, people die. Sometimes in love, sometimes in pain. Just saying: the world starts and ends every day.

Yes. You know. It can be your ‘boss’, your ‘manager’, your ‘client’ or your ‘whatever’. Point is, nobody owns you. The whole idea of somebody owning you is just crazy. Think about it. Like what? You are a slave? With a ‘boss’? No! He or she may have something to say or demand, but that’s only within a certain context. Outside of that, you’re free. FREE! So always feel free, in your mind, heart and spirit.

How do you know if you’re walking the way? You know when the way appears. How do you know when the way appears? You know when you experience inner peace, in the outer world. Now obviously inner peace can only be found within yourself and only in the present moment. For it to manifest you need to stop thinking, because thinking guides your attention to the outer world and to the past or future. Just observe your thoughts and it becomes clear. Instead, all you need to do is focus on your breath as it goes in and out. Your breath is your guide to inner peace. Your breath is always with you, and always in the present moment. So keep following your breath and like a little mountain stream destined to find it’s way to the ocean, you are destined to find your way to inner peace. Inner peace already is inside of you: waiting for you to discover it. And once you have, the way has appeared.
If you have kids learning how to ride a bike, like I do, let them watch this video. It will show them that riding a bike is not just a means to go from A to B, but to have fun. Extreme fun. And it’s a practical example of why in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. A nice metaphor for life itself too, right? If you want to see even crazier stuff done with a bike, definitely watch this video.

Let us try not to worry, shall we? I’m telling you, all will be fine and it’s not because of your worrying. The majority of you problems today are long forgotten within a year from now. And if you can’t fix a problem, don’t worry about it. You can’t fix it anyway and worrying about it only makes it worse. If you can fix it, don’t worry either, but fix it! Again, worrying won’t help. Read more on this in this column.