Don’t worry…
Earlier today I came across a quote about worrying. It’s from the movie Van Wilder. The main character, a high school hero, at one point says: “Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere”. It made me think, because worrying is all about focus. I don’t know about you, but I often find myself worrying quite a while before changing my focus and move foreward. So why does it take me so long to snap out of this worrying state of mind?
Well, I guess because worrying at first makes us feel really busy, like we’re ‘on it’. Like we’re actually doing something. Like it’s a ‘work in progress’. And of course it is a work in progress. But in this case it’s more like running around in circles. And if the worrying continues long enough, we start to feel worried about being so worried all the time. Now that’s a real waste of time. It’s like feeling guilty for feeling guilty. One negative sensation is more than enough, wouldn’t you agree?
…be happy
In almost every case, worrying has to do with the absence of control. If you feel like you don’t have control over something, you start to worry… Dr. Wayne Dyer once spoke some interesting words about this. Worrying is useless”, he says. “Because if it’s really true you don’t have any control, no power what so ever, why worry? After all: it’s out of your hands, it’s beyond your reach. Worrying then, won’t give you the control you desire, it will only make you feel worse. And then – if it’s not true and you do have (some) control or power, you need not to worry either: after all you have control over it! Instead of worrying, do what must be done”.
I know this may sound a bit simplistic, but it works. It gets you out of the worry state of mind and brings you into position of taking action. Whether you will take action remains up to you ofcoure, but the need to worry is not there anymore. It’s all up to you. As always.
And no, you don’t need to worry about that.