Be happy now
Every session is an exclusive moment for yourself, to get charged with inspiration and insights to be happy now. To achieve this, we are going to put things into perspective. We will zoom in and out, reflect and focus. Depending on your needs we will slow down or accelerate, just so you will feel good about the present and excited about the future. And whatever your goals are, big or small, in your professional or personal life – they all begin and end with you. You’re in charge: if you change, your world changes. Only question is: are you ready for it?
Awakening up call
John Lennon said: “Life is what happens to you, while you’re busy making other plans”. Well, that is NOT going to happen to you. Or is it? Because A) in pursuit of happiness we often forget to be happy. This isn’t very conscious living or logical even and yet it happens to most of us sooner or later. And B) in chasing after our dreams we often forget what they are. Because “reality” like to question the dream and challenge the dreamer. And so every session with me is what I call: an awakening-up call. To clear your mind, to remember yourself, that happiness needs no cause and to fuel your heart to live your dreams. It’s liberating, exciting and also challenging, because it puts you in charge over your life again.
360° view
Albert Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used in creating them”. And so we’re going to think different. In search for answers, we’re going to dig deep AND dance on the surface. Another Einstein quote: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research”. And so, to get you real results, we’re going to use our imagination to facilitate the change you want. And one last Einstein quote: “Logic gets you from A to B. Imagination gets you anywhere”. We’re going to use both.
This is your time
When you think about it, life literally is a journey through space. And the universe is so big that we don’t know where we are exactly. We also don’t know exactly where or how (our) life began, nor do we know what happens after we die. And finally we also don’t know exactly why we are here or for how long. All we know is: we are here. And this is our time. This is your time. This is your time on a planet in a universe with more stars than there are sand grains on earth. This is your time to explore, to wonder, to learn, to fall, to rise and to grow. This is your time to be, to stop hiding, to start living.
You are – at all times – entitled to be happy. We all are. But (spoiler alert) you won’t always be happy. And it’s up to each and everyone of us to deal with that. Strangely enough we don’t quite learn this at school. We are taught the capitals of the world, but not how to deal with a broken heart, getting older or feeling uncertain about our future. We are taught to strive for certainty, but not how to deal with uncertainty. My life coaching is about getting you a clear mind and an inspired heart, so you can deal better with all of this. My goal is to increase your awareness. To not only have you look around you, but to actually let you see your potential to feel free and choose your own way.