The way you think about things, the way you view things, the way you interpret things, the way you feel about things, a single world: this way or that way, it can make a world of difference. It sounds so simple and in fact it is. Denis Waitley, a motivational speaker and author said: “If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you can’t, you most assuredly can’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.” To master the art of switching, challenge every thought, feeling or idea you have. It gives you freedom to create, shape and endlessly alter reality. Your reality, your life.
Lady GaGa gave an interview recently in which she said: “(…) I really encourage people to look into the darkness and look into places that you would not normally look to find uniqueness and specialness because that’s where the diamonds are hiding”. Beautiful words, worth to look into: standing in the light is associated with being good, talented and living according valuable virtues. Shadows on the other hand are defined as the dark side of things (for example our personality). We try hard to be known for our qualities and try even harder to hide our weaknesses. Understandable maybe, but in doing so we forget that no one is all good or all bad. Nobody’s perfect, light and shadow go together. To emphasize this, I often use this phrase: “If you don’t have a shadow, you’re not standing in the light”. In other words: stop stressing trying to be perfect, embrace your shadows, for they complete you. This film offers you a playful view on shadows, portraying them not as your frightening ‘dark side’, but as a cute, colorful, fun loving part of you, following every move you make.

Often described a the place to be, living in the ‘here and now’ is a much talked about thing. And it sure sounds nice, but where the hell is it!? How do you live ‘in’ it? Did you ever find yourself more or less asking that question? Well, I did many times and I still do every now and then, usually in a moment of frustration. But the harder I search for it, the more difficult it is to find it. Until of course I realize the ‘here and now’ can’t be searched for. Simply because it is not there and then, it’s already: here, now. So then I stop biting the steel. I take a deep breath, stop searching and… start finding.
This film is beautiful! It brings to life what I talk about often on focusNjoy.com and in my practice: something only has meaning in the presence of something else. Like night and day, young and old or for example cops and robbers etc.. Sit back and enjoy the visual poetry, touching the essence of life.

Everybody has ups and downs in life, it’s a common experience. Yet you experience the ups and downs in your own life rarely as ‘just’ ups and downs. They are: The Incredible Ups & Downs in the Great Life of You! After all they concern you, they matter, they mean something, they make an impact. But no matter how big or small the deal is, no matter how good or bad they make you feel, ultimately all ups and downs have one and the same characteristic: they all pass. So take it easy. As the director of your life, you can always choose a different camera angle or cut to the next scene.
I love sports and I love athletes with the ability to inspire you with their passion. Following 55-year old David Patterson, a personal trainer and competitive regional bodybuilder, this documentary delves into the sport of bodybuilding. We are guided into the world where only the strongest survive and only the committed make it. With many, many wins under his belt, David discusses how building a body with weight training is both an art and a sport. It will certainly give you a life’s lesson or two. Enjoy!

Some time ago a friend of mine posted a lovely self-made phrase on her Facebook wall. She said: “Dear Sun, I know you are there. Now stop hiding”. I loved it. It reminded me of this feeling of searching for something but not finding it. You know it’s there, but you just don’t see it. Quite frustrating right? And so you start searching for it even harder, but as a result of that you create a tunnel vision making it only harder to find it while making you feel worse. So instead of doing that, step back for a moment and simply ask kindly: “Dear Sun (or whatever it is you’re looking for) I know you are there, now stop hiding”. You will move from a tunnel vision to a 360 vision and as you open up you become more peaceful, creating a space to sooner or later find what you’re looking for.