Creativity brought to life: here’s a playful stop motion animation simply for your enjoyment. The filmmakers also give us some wise words: “Every second our planet is spinning you, but you can spin the world just the same. Every day you are able to move forward in order to be happy and make others happy. Maybe not a simple thing to do, but it is possible. Life is not a movie and you don’t always know how your story will evolve but while you live, you are the director of each moment. This film is a tribute to those who were able to change something, build something, create something and to do something that spins our planet in a positive way”. Enjoy watching and go spin your world!

Did you know there are 20 to a 100 million sperm cells per milliliter semen? That there is 2 to 6 milliliter sperm per ejaculation and so every ejaculation contains up to 500 million sperm cells? Now take a moment to think about this: these millions of sperm cells all have one goal; being unique. They all want to be the first to enter the female egg cell. And that my friends, is a rat race! And the fact that you are here, reading this text means you’re that special one! You beat millions of competitors who were all after the same thing. You succeeded, you’ve won! And so to me, that means that upon birth, you may rightfully call yourself a natural born winner. The funny (and dramatic) thing is that when we are born, we start all over. We enter a new rat race called life, competing others to once more prove our right to exist. And unless we are confirmed, we risk feeling kind of depressed. Maybe you know this feeling too. So when this happens, step back for a moment and be aware that your presence on earth already is an achievement beyond belief and for you to enjoy. Why enter the rat race twice?

Everybody wants to make progress. In whatever we think is worth pursuing, we want to move forward. That’s our nature. And to measure progress, we think in terms of success: the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted. That makes “failure” something we want to stay far from. Failure, in our culture such a frightening word, but what exactly is it? And does it even exist? Tony Robbins says: “There is no such thing as failure. There are only results”. And in order to make progress, every result is valuable, good and bad. In fact, bad results or failure, later often turns out to be the foundation on which success is build. Professional golf legend Tom Watson once said: “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate”. So here’s to you and your progress: go out there today, go after your goals, try new things, learn, adjust and try again. Because then, even when you screw things up, your foundation for future success becomes only more solid.
This film might be a little long for a quick video snack, but then the whole point of posting this is to make you slow down for a moment. Give it six minutes and 22 seconds and you’ll be fueled with inspiration to go way beyond your desk at the office or couch at home. The story is about a Norwegian guy who decided it was time to see this “world” he had been hearing so much about: South America. So he bought a backpack, bought a guide book and booked a flight to Peru with a return flight from Brazil. And so began the best summer of his life. You are about to see a summary of his trip, showcasing some of the beautiful places and faces that he encountered. Enjoy!

Hello friends and welcome to a new week. It’s monday morning, to some inspirational, exciting and new. To others the start of 5 days of boredom, stress or insecurity. Whatever your situation is, keep one thing in mind: nothing is impossible. So start dreaming and if you already have a dream, start making that dream a reality. If you need a kick start to get you excited, read this, this and this post.
In 1990 the Voyager 1 spacecraft made a photograph of planet Earth, called The Pale Blue Dot. Taken from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles) from Earth, the photograph shows Earth as a tiny dot against the vastness of space. The Voyager 1, which had completed its primary mission and was leaving the Solar System, was commanded by NASA to turn its camera around and to take this photograph, at the request of Carl Sagan (1934-1996). This American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, science popularizer and promoter of the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, subsequently used the title of the photograph as the main title of his book, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space. This film presents you an inspirational excerpt from this book, a monologue written and narrated by Sagan. He shares his almost poetic thoughts on the evolution of mankind and places it in the context of our existence in space. Well, I can tell you one thing: it makes our personal day to day sorrows appear… insignificant.
Wondering around in the New York City subway, you’d expect a noisy rat race. Right? Wrong! This film shows that with your eye and ears focussed on something peaceful, you can find moments of meditation even in the busiest situations. Let yourself be carried away for a couple of minutes and experience how the ‘bending sounds’ of the NYC subway and the music of various street musicians bring you in a calm state of mind. And really, it’s only because the filmmaker concentrated on them, that we you will notice and appreciate their soothing contribution to busy everyday life. In the end, it’s all about attention. Whatever you put your attention to, will grow. Or as I said earlier in this post: The way we see reality (and in this case also hear it), is how we create reality.