If you have a dream, if you want change, if you strive for progress but no one seems to care for your ideas, let me give you a nice Gandhi quote. He said: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”. Indeed: and then you win. So ssht. Don’t worry. Work. And keep working. And meanwhile, meditate on ssht, to keep your thoughts from playing games with you.
I discovered this video thanks to a friend who posted it on facebook (thanks Annemarie!). You will see Dean Potter walking a highline at Cathedral Peak in Yosemite National Park, USA. As the sun sets and the moon rises, shot from over 1 mile away, it’s what the filmmakers call: “The ultimate full moon shot”. It is part of a bigger project for National Geographic called The Man Who Can Fly.
Some people live by strong political, scientific, cultural, religious or spiritual beliefs. Their beliefs form the one truth by which they live their life. But the truth is, there’s always more than one truth. Or as Stephen Hawking said: “I’ve noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing about it, still look both ways before they cross the street”. Always be open.
This video shows footage from ‘Landfill Harmonic’, an upcoming feature-length documentary about a remarkable musical orchestra in Paraguay. Remarkable because the musicians play instruments made from trash! Cateura, Paraguay is a town essentially built on top of a landfill. Garbage collectors browse the trash for sellable goods, and children are often at risk of getting involved with drugs and gangs. When orchestra director Szaran and music teacher Fabio set up a music program for the kids of Cateura, they soon have more students than they have instruments. That changed when Szaran and Fabio were brought something they had never seen before: a violin made out of garbage. Today, there’s an entire orchestra of assembled instruments, now called The Recycled Orchestra.
Sometimes when I want to put things into perspective, I ask myself: If today (this week, month, year, my life) was a movie, what would be the title? What would be the title of your day? Try it, it’s fun.
I’ve posted many road trips on my blog simply because I love them! Watching people travel, being on the road to a destination unknown, really takes me away from my daily (city) routines and on the road with them. The same happened when I was watching this video. Sponsored by a jeans brand, ‘Long Live The Kings’ is a very well crafted short film. It’s about four guys on motorcycles, wanting to cross the Canadian Mountains. What they discover is that you can’t cross the mountains, but (with luck) the mountains will let you pass… More road trips? See the tag cloud at the right and click road trip.
‘Wondering’ is defined as: feeling or expressing awe, admiration, amazement, or surprise. You ‘wonder’ when you’re being curious and eagerly set out to investigate something. Personally, I love to wonder, because only then I can discover new things. Just one tip: wonder without getting hit.