In many of life’s problems, logic is a great way to help solve them. Just like the quote says: it will get you from A to B. But in life we also encounter situations where simply going from A to B is not sufficient. For instance in the case where you find yourself being lost, after years of going from A to B, having tried all options that seemed logic, now you’re standing on a cross road wandering where to go next? Then: dare to go off road. Use imagination for it allows you to enter a field of infinite possibilities. Where sooner or later new ideas, clues and answers come to mind. Imagination goes beyond reality, sets you free and creates opportunity. From there new roads from A to B will emerge.
I had to watch this film a couple of times to fully understand the depth of it. It’s… kind of profound. The information combined with the images that are thrown at you are impressive and, at least to me, very interesting from a philosophical point of view. The film is, in part, inspired by the ideas explored in David Deutsch’s new book: ‘The beginning of infinity’ and tells the story of how humanity is reinventing the earth and potentially the universe as a whole. The example given concerns the island of Manhattan. To be precise: the topographical shape and the material constitution of the upper surface of Manhattan, as it exists today. It is considered to be much less a matter of geology than it is of culture, science, economics, politics and human psychology. The effects of shaping the earth geological forces were trumped (you might say) by these other forces. Forces that proved themselves, in the fullness of time, physically stronger. Deutsch thinks the same thing must in the long run be true of the universe as a whole. Stuff like gravitation and dark energy are the sorts of things that determine the shape of the cosmos only in its earliest, and most parochial stages. The rest is going to be a matter of our own intentional doing. Wow. More info about the film? Click here.

Here’s a beautiful and inspirational film called ‘The Great Bell Chant (The End of Suffering)’. Watching it had a soothing effect on me. As if it was a gateway to a higher state of consciousness, where the mind becomes calm and the body relaxed. I hope it has the same effect on you. Enjoy.
Finding love is like a journey. A journey of two people, traveling to a certain place in time where they first lay eyes on each other. But to get to that place, can be a bumpy ride. In daily life, the things we do, the places we go, the moves we make: they appear to be so very different from what everybody else does. Especially when you’re single, it’s easy to see yourself as a ‘stand alone’, since all the people around you sooner or later move in a different direction. This film tells the story of a boy in Paris and a girl in New York. For sure, they are worlds apart, yet also completely synchronized when it comes to the things they things they do, the places they go and the moves they make. They may be alone, but in being alone, they are most certainly not the only one. And that in itself creates a connection between them. Will they find each other? Watch and find out. A little note on the creative aspect of this film: it was entirely shot using a Nokia N8 mobile phone. Wonderfully done. Enjoy.

Whether you want to be financially independent, lose weight, feel at peace with yourself or simply have a fresh cup of coffee; once you want something, it’s sometimes hard seeing that you don’t have it, yet. In life we set all kinds of goals, the perfect life is out there and we want it, rather sooner than later. And if possible: right now! I mean, life’s short, right? Yes, but… everything takes time. Great things, like making a million dollars and small things, like making it through another day at the office. It even takes time for the clock to tick. The question is: what’s your perception of time? Do you take your time to get to where you want to be or do you pressure yourself, thinking you should turn your dream into reality in an instant? Life may go fast, but that doesn’t mean you should go fast too. It can take up to 330 days before a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, you never see them being frustrated about time passing slowly. So relax: enjoy every minute of our journey, for the only time is now.
As kids, having fun is our main concern. As adults however, not having any concern seems like fun. Now that’s a shift in focus: along the line, instead of focussing on having fun, we somehow start to focus on avoiding having concerns. So I thought it would be nice to show you a film about toys. Especially for those who were born somewhere between 1970 and 1980, watching these toys will bring back some joyous moments from the past. So here’s to having fun, here’s to toys. Enjoy.