The Japanese Samurai used the dragonfly as a symbol of agility, power and victory. In early China the dragonfly was linked with prosperity, good luck and harmony. However in European and early-American myths, children were told that if they misbehaved, a dragonfly would sew shut their eyes, ears and mouths. Hmm, ok so where Japanese and Chinese children felt blessed when being in the presence of a dragonfly, European and American kids would run for their lives screaming. How interesting! A difference in thoughts, feelings and behavior, all because of a different story about the same little insect! To me this is a beautiful example of how stories create our perception of reality. And a reminder that in order to create a reality that works for you, you must create your own story.

Music. Everyone has their favorite piece, song or tune. For different reasons, but with the same effect. Music gives us chills. Chills of happiness, sadness, celebration or mourning, chills of life and death and everything in between: it can all be felt when you open up to music. Your music. Listen to it everyday, close your eyes and be. If music was a movie, this is what the connoisseurs would say.
An excuse is used: A) to explain (a fault or an offense) in the hope of being forgiven or understood and B) to apologize for (oneself) for an act that could cause offense. Excuses can be genuine, coming straight from the heart, based on nothing else but the truth. And excuses can be false, a made up lie, used as a cover up. The story in this film is about a guy who arrives at home too late. His excuse however, is the most imaginative one ever! I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did.

Oh, sure we all wait for a SIGN from time to time. Before getting into action we’re waiting for the right time, the right circumstances, the right people etc.. But how long are we going to wait? And what if this SIGN never appears? In an earlier post I quoted Mark Twain: “The secret of getting ahead, is getting started”. The truth is you don’t need a sign. But hey, if you still want one: here it is!

I think we can all relate to the John Lennon quote. We all get caught up in mixed emotions, thoughts or feelings every now and then and it’s perfectly understandable. Because it’s a fine line between winning and losing. Between genius and insanity. Between love and hate. Between success and failure. Even between living and dying. One moment you’re up, the next you’re down and vice versa. And so it’s actually quite normal when part of you is full of doubt, while the other part is absolutely certain. When part of you wants to run away, while the other part is ready to fight. When part of you suspects you’re completely lost, while the other part thinks you’ve got it all under control. Don’t get confused when you have mixed emotions, thoughts or feelings. Having them is confusing enough! Instead, just smile at them. Study them, learn from them. Having them is normal and they all pass.

Everybody is a genius in his or her own way. Everybody is unique in what they have to learn and what they have to offer. But when you judge yourself using the wrong criteria, you might believe you’re not good at what you do, you’re unsuccessful or even stupid. The key trick is to discover the right criteria to judge yourself upon. You will then discover, you are indeed a genius.
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