Enter the gates of the Burning Man Festival, a week-long annual event held in the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada, USA. Wikipedia says: “The event is described by many participants as an experiment in community, radical self-expression and radical self-reliance. In my own words: it’s a celebration of jaw dropping creativity from people all over the world. This video is like a road trip, giving you an impression, with the both uplifting and melancholic remix of the song ‘Hide and Seek’ by Imogen Heap, as the perfect soundtrack. For more information about the festival, check out this.

When you’re confronted with something you’re afraid of, you have two options. You either run away or rise to the challenge. This is called the flight or fight response. In prehistoric times, the human fight or flight response was manifested in aggressive behavior as we faced a predator for example. In current times, fight and flight responses have assumed a wider range of behaviors. For example, the fight response may be manifested in argumentative behavior and the flight response may be manifested through social withdrawal. The thing is that by turning away from our fears, we allow them to remain alive and kicking. Whereas to rise to the challenge, ultimately leads to the eradication of our fears. So – whether it be in your personal or professional life – If you can’t stand the heat, get into the kitchen. For you will grow, by doing what you fear.

When we have fun our perception of time is shortened. We may even completely forget about time. And forgetting time let’s you live in the now, simply because history and future need time to exist.
This short film takes you from planet earth through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe. Sit back, relax and be amazed. Warning: you may feel a little small afterwards, but seen from the bright side; so are your problems!
I’ve always loved this scene from the 1995 movie Forrest Gump. It’s about Forrest who’s life has become complicated to handle, so on one morning he decides to go for a little run. While running he decides to run a little further, and further, and ultimately running from ocean to ocean, clear across the country. Finally after more than 3 years of running he decides to stop and go home. He reflects on this later saying: “My mother always told me: you’ve got to let the past behind you, before you can go on. And that’s what my run was all about”. It was about clearing his mind. This scene captures this process of clearing the mind – or a journey if you will – in a truly beautiful way, accompanied with some great music. Whenever I see this, it actually clears my mind too.

Feel free? Choose your own way? Right, you might think, so easy for you to say, as you walk into the office on monday morning facing deadlines and seeing your boss, bossing around already. Sure, reality can be harsh. Making it seemingly impossible to feel free and choose our own way. Our surroundings can be so dominant, we sometimes think we ARE these surroundings, while instead, we are only IN these surroundings. That means we can get out of them as well. It’s not your boss making you feel not free. It’s not your deadlines making it hard to choose your own way. It’s your perception and how you deal with this, that makes you feel free or not. Reality begins in your mind. If you want to be free in reality, start feeling free within yourself. That means taking responsibility for yourself first. Don’t blame your boss, for that will make you a prisoner of him/her. Don’t blame the deadlines because that drives you away from yourself. And you – is where your freedom begins. To feel free, free yourself. Let nothing stop you and let this picture by Erik Johansson – inspire you.
Do you have enough fun? In your work, at home or wherever? I’m sure you’ll say yes, as we all like to think we have enough fun in our lives. But what is fun exactly, let’s focus on that for a moment. Box of Crayons made a great video that demonstrates 8 principles of fun that will instantly bring you in the mood for adding (more) fun to your life. So, take moment and have… fun!